Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello Internet World!

Hey, my name's Matthew Skelly. I'm an 8th grader at Crossett Brook Middle School in Waterbury, VT. The purpose of this blog is to inform people in a slightly humorous way about endangered wildlife.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"Oh, great, another creepy-looking environmentalist who smells like who knows what that's gonna shove stuff about how horrible we humans are and how we're killing all the animals and plants down my throat."

My first goal with this blog is to do everything but that. I'm not going to force you to donate $15,000 every week to the Fund for Hopeless Cute Little Animals That If You Don't Donate To You'll Feel Horrible About It (which, by the way, is not a real organization), and, I'm guessing, that will make you feel better about reading this blog. I plan on posting maybe once every other week with an article about how people are helping to save the environment, rather than how people are helping to destroy it. I'll encourage you to help too, but I won't make you.

So, hopefully you decide to keep reading this blog as I post things, and possibly even give a little in the process. Thanks much.

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